Neti Pot
Neti Pot
Use either sterile water, such as distilled water or water that has been boiled and cooled to make an irrigation solution. Mix approximately 1/4 teaspoon of fine non-iodised table salt into about 1 cup(8oz) of water until it is fully dissolved.
1 - lean over the sink & tilt your head to one side so your forehead and chin are roughly at the same level.
2 - while using the neti pot always breath through your mouth.
3 - Place the spout into your upper nostril and start pouring. It should start to drain through the lower nostril.
4 - Clear your nostrils by blowing the nose, repeat the same on the other side.
Safety Instructions
Safety Instructions
Do not share neti pots with others as even if it's cleaned, certain bacteria can sometimes survive and passed onto the next user. The user should visit a doctor if congestion continues after 1-2 weeks of use. Always clean your neti pot after each use.